P.V. Body/Ellie review

So in November I wrote a post about pv.body.

The deal was 20% off of your first order and you get nice workout clothes from various companies (nike, lululemon, nux etc). I was contacted by the company to extend my audience a discount and I got some free swag and referral kick backs. I get contacted to do stuff like this all the time. I just never do. Because its usually for something magic that isnt real and I cant get behind. Workout clothes I can get behind.

All this time in addition to my relationship to the company, I have been separately signed up and paying for my own subscription. Actually, under a different name (I have 2 last names, its confusing) and have enjoyed my regular customer experience as well. I also wanted to make sure that if I was sending folks to a business I enjoyed being a customer of theirs. My sister has been a subscriber since before I was contacted by them and has had a great experience as well.

So a bunch of people signed up. But it didnt take long before I started hearing complaints. Some people got wrong sizes. Some people didnt receive the discount due to some system glitch at the end of November. Some people had questions and didnt get responses to emails. It felt like sort of a mess.

Every complaint I received I fielded with my girl Hope at the company and she took care of it. Unless there is anything I am still unaware of she has 100% track record of straightening things out. All along she has assured me that the issues they have had have been related to volume and being a start up.

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Then they changed the system. Now pv.body is Ellie. They have started their own brand of workout clothes and the subscription (which is now $49.99/month or for the first$39.99 with this link, which you can cancel anytime) includes picking your own pieces. So each month they roll out a new collection of Ellie clothes and as a fit fashionista (I think thats what subscribers are called) you can pick out any two pieces (up to $120 value) for the same price.

Some people are seeing this as a bate and switch which from what Ive read the CEO has been accused of before. The companys response to this is that they have received so much feedback about the clothes they were sending out (people wanted more color, or more variety or more capris or whatever) that they felt they would better be able to respond to the requests by making their own clothes. As none of the subscribers were contractually obligated to continue (you can cancel anytime) some folks stayed really excited about Ellie and others left.

Their manufacturers are the same as Lululemon, the materials are supposed to be comparable and the stuff so far has been really cute. Also, in fairness, including comments on facebook and emails I have fielded only about 5% of the people who signed up through me had any issue at all. I even received a few thank you letters from people who had special needs (one was a pregnant woman wanting clothes that would fit and be modest for the duration of her third trimester) that got things they were very happy with. A common complaint was the amount of time it took to receive things and the vast majority of those folks loved what they got in the end.

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Even though the primary response has been positive, I have maintained radio silence on them since I first became an ambassador in November because I wanted to make sure every0nes issues were resolved.

So I got my first Ellie outfit.

It was stupid cute. I got these capris and this top. The capris honestly looked like they were meant for my toddler when I pulled them out of the bag. But believe me when I tell you they stretch! They are hands down the most comfortable workout capris Ive ever owned. They feel like a hug. That said, I do need to wear nude draws with them because black showed through a little when I squatted. *I always check.* The top is similar to one Ive been coveting from another company (that retails for $68) which I only window shop online for because I cant afford that shit. I love it! Its easily the most stylish thing Ive ever worn to the gym. Made me want to put on lip gloss before I go to the gym in my ridiculously cute top so everyone can hate me. (That is in a pretend world where anyone even notices that anyone else is at the gym besides themselves).

Anyway, thats the scoop. I have struggled with staying involved with this company because of all that I have outlined. I am an ambassador which does mean they pay me a little if you buy through my link. Which is super bad ass because I have never monetized my blog/posted ads and it is very helpful. I spend hours every week responding to emails for free and I love it. Its also nice to have some dough come from it. And unlike any other company that has ever contacted me, I really do like this product. As a start up they have had issues and with social media those issues have been very evident. But I have not had issues. And will continue purchasing this product. I like my capris that feel like they are giving my ass a gentle hug and my new gym bitch tank top. A lot.

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So there is my super honest review. I like it. My sister likes it. A lot of people have liked it. They have had issues as a company which I have resolved for those who contacted me, however those issues ever having occurred is enough to turn some off. But if you dont mind a short wait and like swanky gym gear, you can still get 20% off your first order and I will of course have yo back if you have any trouble. I will continue to keep you posted about how this is going for me, and give you honest feedback as always.

Swanky gym gear to all, Ellie or not,


Category: Other Stuff