Fit lunch box?

When the people from IsoBag contacted me to review their product I was really interested. Id always seen all the super fitness folks carrying these things with all their food for the day but wasnt sure if it was worth the investment. So I thought this was a fun opportunity to give one a whirl. Its the granddaddy of lunchboxes, see for yourself.

There are ample spots for water bottles, for ice packs to keep everything cold and compartments galore. But the best part was not what I expected. These containers they make are completely Erin-proof. Without meaning to I have dropped these containers full of food and they didnt begin to budge open or show wear. Which is pretty big for me. Packing a beautiful healthy lunch and then immediately spilling it all over the floor is about the worst.

For my typical lifestyle, I wouldnt carry this daily. I work in a small office with a big refrigerator so Im getting more daily use out of the containers than the whole bag. But on days off when I go hiking or stay outdoors all day this will be amazing. It would be perfect to pack a lunch for my family on the go. Lola and I will use it on our next girls roadtrip. There are a ton of ways Im looking forward to using this in the future.

It comes in cute colors. A must, of course.

If you are a carry all my healthy food with me at all times person, this bag is amazing. If you are a drop your lunch on the floor person like me, youll love the containers. If you travel, if you picnic, if you eat on the go, youll love this bag. Let me know if you check them out, Ill be curious to hear how you use it!

See also  I’m not a vegan I just veg a lot.



Category: Other Stuff