
Permission to De-stress

In the fall of 2013 I met Elyse Wagner of My Kitchen Shrink and it became immediately clear that we should be working together. Her personal history with obesity and poor health as well as her journey toward a holistic approach to her own health were so similar to my own that we became fast friends. Elyse holds dual masters in nutrition and clinical health psychology which she couples with her personal experience to bring others comprehensive care. In short, we were bound to team up. Though our modalities differ, we found our work was much the same. While Elyses focus is food and mine is movement, we both found at the core of many of our clients struggles was stress management, issues around self-worth and difficulties adding self-care to the massive to-do list. We set out together to create a comprehensive program with the following goals:

  • To provide non-conventional tools for dealing with stress, interpersonal conflict and effective management of difficult emotions.
  • To break down these tools in small steps and manageable goals.
  • To provide materials and resources that would serve as on-going support.
  • And to offer an approach to self-care that is decidedly *not* a diet and exercise plan, but rather attempts to get at the heart of what keeps people from approaching their health in a proactive way.

What we ended up with is the course Permission to De-stress which we are now offering as an e-book, complete with audio files and video. Its a 7 day program but can be done at any pace. Every day we each offer a different suggestion for fostering a positive attitude, making space for relaxation, re-framing your thoughts around movement and a hefty dose of self-care.

See also  Workout Playlists

Elyse provides powerful + actionable techniques and tools to guide you through transforming your mindset, habits, stressors and your health.

I guide you through some new ways to view exercise and new practices around movement to helpmotivate you in a completely new way to begin an exercise practice that is all about self-care.

PERMISSION TO DE-STRESS is a program designed for re-establishing and creating a life that nourishes you fully while changing your relationship to stress & you.

Or Click Here to purchase the full e-book, audio downloads, worksheets and exclusive video content from me.

Bonuses include:

  • Elyses top 3 tips for cultivating better health.
  • Erins favorite meditation/prayer for interpersonal conflict management.
  • Elyse on avoiding the pitfalls of emotional eating.
  • I hate to and more you, but theres just a lot of content here!
Download today! No hidden costs, the e-book course is $97 . Paypal accepted.
What people are saying…
‘I appreciate the opportunity to share in yalls self soothing/supporting rituals’
‘It exceed my expectations. it was definitely worth my time and money’
‘I would whole-heartedly recommend Permission to De-Stress to everyone I know. It was awesome!’
Overall, I am so glad that I joined and have found the tools and concepts wonderful! Thank you both for such an amazing program!!
As always, if you have any additional questions you can hit me up at
**After you purchase you will receive an email with the product within 24 hours. Usually within the hour. **
xo, Erik

Category: Unclassified