News - Page 15

Why I’m not pissed at the Abercrombie CEO

Im sure youve seen this. The Abercrombie and Fitch CEO made some troubling comments about only wanting thin, attractive people wearing his clothing line. This was done in an interview 7 years ago but for some reason is all over my facebook today. In case you missed it: CEO Mike Jeffries said in a2006 interview with Salonthat he wants only cool, attractive, skinny people to wear his clothing. Its almost…

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What I “really” look like, a perfectly healthy body in more and less flattering photos

Im a beautiful woman. Sorry Im not sorry if that is off-putting. I believe I am a beautiful woman and that is important to me. I dont think that is vain. It has nothing to do with how I look compared to other women, how many dudes would want to have sex with me or how many people tell me Im hot. I dont measure myself against anyone else. I…

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P.V. Body/Ellie review

So in November I wrote a post about pv.body. The deal was 20% off of your first order and you get nice workout clothes from various companies (nike, lululemon, nux etc). I was contacted by the company to extend my audience a discount and I got some free swag and referral kick backs. I get contacted to do stuff like this all the time. I just never do. Because its…

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Why I quit eating dairy, gluten and animals… and why maybe you shouldn’t quit.

So much to cover here. In general I like to avoid labeling my eating habits or over-sharing them because it seems to have the following negative effects: 1) People get super defensive. Its amazing how many people feel the need to go on and on about how much they love eating meat when they find out I dont. Im really not judging your choice, or asking what it is. 2)…

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How being fat ruined everything

Im obviously pretty awesome. I mean, cmon Im charming, occasionally I say something hilarious, I have serious, farm-hand like calf muscles and Im really good at growing my fingernails long. Whats not to like? But I havent always known this. And to be honest, I still dont always behave like I do. For as long as I can remember I have had concerns about my body, and by concerns I…

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Why I don’t sell things

Lots of fitness folks sell things. I am mostly writing this post so that I dont have to type it out every time I am approached by a company or representative about selling things (which is daily). I have zero problems with people selling things in fitness. There are products/services I appreciate more than others. There are sales tactics I think are more tasteful than others. But the bottom line…

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Why are yoga pants so expensive?

Let me start off by saying Im frugal. I like having quality things but have a limited budget for such things. Thus: I am always looking for a steal. Clothing wise this usually means shopping consignment stores often enough to find amazing things. This might make me cheap. I prefer to think of myself as a savvy shopper. Exercise clothes are something I dont buy used. Mostly because I prefer…

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Night owl to worm catchin’

In October Im waking up before the sun. Something old me would have thought completely ridiculous. In case you missed it, I turned 30 last month and have decided to celebrate my year with new goals each month. September was 30 days of yoga. It went well. Mostly it was a great way for me to get back into working out. I discovered that post injury Im really enjoying finding…

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So apparently I’m an emotional eater

Unless youve been living under a rock where Oprahs show topics dont come into your consciousness, youve heard the term emotional eating. It, however, has never been a concept that resonated with me and my behavior. The idea of being hungry but not for food, also didnt resonate. My thinking was more, Im hungry for food so I eat and Apparently Im more hungry than other people. Also, So what…

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Start where you are at. A lesson I’m re-learning.

I have never needed to be the best. I remember taking debate in high school and doing really well. My partner and I won novice state. I enjoyed it. But I hated that others in my class would get overly excited when they found evidence against my case. When during the in class tournamentit was epic if someone beat us. I enjoy preparing and even competing. But I dont enjoy…

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